Saturday 11 October 2014

Learning the GUITAR

          You a guitarist? Yeah? No? If you’re not, go right now to a music shop and buy one. Really. This is one of the best suggestions I could give to you. Let me ask you something, what according to you is the best instrument in the world? Some of you might say drums. Others, the piano. I say, the guitar is the coolest instrument in the universe. You disagree? Just once, play the E minor chord on the guitar. You’d know why.

          My brother Mihir, in 2010, went on a strike. He demanded a guitar. If his wish was not fulfilled, he wouldn't agree to whatever my parents and I said. I don’t know why, but my parents really fulfilled his wish. I kept opposing them, saying that Mihir would just buy it and keep it as a decoration. And yes, the same happened. The guitar bought was a black acoustic guitar. It looked quite cool. But for the next three years, the guitar gathered dust in the storage area.

          In March 2014, finally I decided to try out the guitar. The exams were over, so there was nothing to stop me. I tried to learn some chords by watching videos on the internet, but the videos I saw totally disappointed me. I lost interest in the instrument and it was kept in the storage for another month.

          When the school reopened in April, I was promoted to the ninth grade. I made a lot of friends. One of the friends I made, Siddharth is an experienced guitarist. I saw this as my chance. I tried to extract whatever was possible about playing the guitar. He gave me quite a lot of good information and asked me to watch the videos of this person named Marty.

          I have to call Marty my first guru of guitar. His way of teaching is better than everyone else I’ve seen on YouTube. I learnt my very first song, or tune from him. Summer holidays came. I remained glued to the computer screen watching his videos all day long. There was this one thing that bothered me a bit. The strings, when you start to play, really dig into your fingers. Though my fingers hurt a lot, that didn't stop me from learning the guitar.
          In May, during the holidays, I came to know that a guitar teacher had come to teach in my society. My joy knew no bounds. I joined the class the very first day. The teacher’s name is Sachin. He is a very nice guy. And an incredible teacher. He started his teaching with a lead song. Playing lead for the first time is impossibly hard. First of all, if you’re a right handed person, I’m sure you won’t have any control over the fingers of your left hand. The right hand only does the strumming part. The left hand has to go to the correct place on the guitar’s fret board and then press the string. I thought of playing the guitar left handed. In that case, I’d have to only do the strumming with the left hand. But that was even harder. Just about then, I thought of giving up.

          Still, I continued the classes. After some days, I got some control over my left hand. Though the hand was not speedy enough, I was able to play the correct notes. Within a month of serious practising, I was able to call myself an amateur guitarist. I must say, I became good at it. I was able to play fluently.

          Then I gave my first ever performance on the guitar. On the Indian Independence day, I with my three friends played the national anthem in front of a real audience. Within 15 days, on Ganesh Chaturthi, I performed solo with my guitar and my voice. The guitar accompaniment increased the performance quality and I was able to put up a good show, all thanks to my guitar.

          I still am learning more songs and this learning is endless. And please, please learn the guitar if you haven’t. I have experienced that it reduces stress and relaxes and rejuvenates the mind, along with being a great way to pass time. I thank Siddharth, Marty and Sachin sir for their guidance and making me the guitarist I am.

-         Manas Trivedi
My guitar

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